Tag: Mambo

Tag: Mambo

April 18, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 17rd April 2020
The market continues to drift settling at 53.02 c/lb, down 138 points in the week on the July contract Some lockdowns are starting to ease in (...)
February 15, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 14th February 2020
February 28, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 28th February 2020
February 8, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 07th February 2020
March futures again lost ground this week, settling at 67.91 down over 100 points in the week. The Coronavirus continued to spread fear as the death (...)
February 22, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 21st February 2020
The market moved higher over the course of the week to settle at 69.37, up over 70 c/lb. The market strength came from a variety of (...)
June 2, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 2nd June 2020
June 8, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 8th June 2020
July 13, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 13th July 2020
The NYF saw continued strength again over the week as Dec settled at 64.31 c/lb, up 136 points in the week. The continued fallout from the (...)
May 1, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 30th April 2020
The market continued to stabilise over the week with July settling at 57.12 c/lb, up 75 points in the week.   The US and Europe continue (...)
April 4, 2020
MAMBO Market Report, 03rd April 2020

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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