Tag: Monthly

Tag: Monthly

September 5, 2018
ICAC: Global Stocks Projected to Decrease 10% in 2018/19
Executive Summary Highlights from the September edition regarding the 2018/19 season: Global production projected to decrease 3% to 26 million tonnes  Consumption is projected to (...)
June 13, 2018
WASDE Cotton: Increased U.S. Exports
September 13, 2018
WASDE Cotton: Increased U.S. Production, Exports, Ending Stocks
November 10, 2017
World stocks cut steadies cotton market, after US yield upgraded to record high
The US issued a surprise upgrade to its forecast for cotton stocks, but cut its estimate for world inventories nonetheless, limiting the pressure on New (...)
January 3, 2018
ICAC: Global Production to Increase in 2017/18
Following two years of declining planted area, global cotton area for 2017/18 is projected to increase by 11% to 32.5 million hectares. Planted area in  (...)

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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