Bangla import of US cotton significantly high since 2016

Bangla import of US cotton significantly high since 2016

The United States is witnessing a growth in demand for US cotton from most of its top customers like Vietnam and Bangladesh, with the latter's imports growing significantly since 2016, according to Bruce Atherley, executive director of Cotton Council International (CCI), the export promotion arm of the National Cotton Council of America (NCC).

CCI is a non-profit trade association that promotes US cotton fibres and manufactured cotton products around the globe under the Cotton USA trademark.

China is currently the top export sales customer with 2 million bales for 2018. Due to the retaliatory tariffs imposed by China, the United States is seeing some cancellations and destination changes for China.

If the tariffs remain in place, more cancellations from China are likely, which could put more pressure on cotton prices, Atherley told Fibre2Fashion in an interview. (DS)

For the full interview, please click here.

Πηγή: fibre2fashion
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